Install PIL within a virtualenv on Snow Leopard

This post has been published more than 13 years ago, it may be obsolete by now.

As a personal reminder, here’s how to install PIL with jpeg and freetype support in a Python virtualenv with a little help from Homebrew:

$ brew install jpeg
$ wget
$ tar xvzf freetype-2.4.4.tar.gz && cd freetype-2.4.4
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ cd .. && rm -rf freetype-2.4.4*
$ mkvirtualenv fubar --no-site-packages
(fubar)$ pip install PIL

You should obtain something like this at the end of the installation process:

version       1.1.7
platform      darwin 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
              [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)]
--- TKINTER support available
--- JPEG support available
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support available
--- FREETYPE2 support available
*** LITTLECMS support not available

That’s all for today folks, thanks for your attention.

EDIT: If you want little-cms support, just run:

$ brew install little-cms
(fubar)$ pip install PIL